sábado, febrero 15, 2025
InicioParlaDesmantelan karaoke en parlamento usado para prostitución y tráfico de drogas

Desmantelan karaoke en parlamento usado para prostitución y tráfico de drogas

National Police dismantled a fake Karaoke in parliament (Madrid) that operated as a front for Prostitution and drug trafficking. The agents began investigating the karaoke and discovered that it had been used as a cover to hide its true activities: trafficking in women and drug trafficking.

The owners of the establishment Rented out the rooms for private parties with food and drinks. Once the clients were there, drugs such as ketamine, ecstasy, cough, and a substance known as «God’s water» could be purchased from the staff and they were offered the opportunity to enter a room full of women to avail themselves of the services offered by the establishment.

On January 26, the premises were inspected and 23 people were arrested for their assumed responsibility in crimes against public health, among other charges, including a European arrest warrant and extradition. Additionally, 80 grams of ketamine, five grams of ecstasy, eight grams of cough syrup, 63 sachets of «water,» a substance with its main compounds were confiscated. Liquid ecstasy.

«God’s water» is a drug that was administered by the girls to the clients and has a Powerful disinhibiting effect on sexual activity. Each dose can cost around 300 euros.

The police action is part of «The plan speaks launched by the government delegation in Madrid in response to a Rise in crime statistics in the city, located in the southern region, with the aim of increasing security in the city and thus improving the quality of life for its inhabitants.

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Sergio R. Lombera
Sergio R. Lombera
Sergio Rodríguez, redactor y editor del destacado periódico online ParlaHoy.es. Con una pasión inquebrantable por el periodismo, trayendo noticias frescas y relevantes a la comunidad de Parla. Teniendo compromiso con la objetividad y la calidad editorial intentando reflejarlo así, en cada artículo que escribo.


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